The William And Janet Lahey Art Education And Visual Arts Scholarship
Award amount: One $10,000 scholarship will be awarded for the academic year. Eligibility Requirements -Be enrolled at a California State University campus at least half-time; -Possess a bachelor's degree in art or in one of the visual art specializations; -Be enrolled in one of the following programs: 1. A post baccalaureate program leading to a high school single subject teaching credential in the arts; 2. A Master of Fine Arts program in art or one of the visual arts specialization; or 3. A Master of Arts program in art or one of the visual arts specializations. -Be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on an 4.0 scale -Priority consideration will be given to scholarship applications in the following order: 1. First priority will be given to students enrolled in a program leading to a single-subject teaching credential in the arts. 2. Second priority will be given to students enrolled in a graduate program in art of one of the visual arts specializations. 3. Third priority will be given to eligible students who have a record of volunteer activities in the arts or who are currently engaged in arts volunteer activities in schools or community arts organizations.
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required

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