4 Scholarships for Political Science Majors

Because election season is looming, politics is a buzzing conversation topic. Therefore, you hear about it in the news, on the internet, and everywhere in between. Love it or hate it, politics makes the world go round. From local policies to international law, those who graduate with political science degrees go on to change and shape the world. Interested in a political, government, or international business career? Consider majoring in political science. If you do, check out these scholarships for political science majors available to help you pay for your higher education.

"I voted" stickers next to a board that says "voting day."

Enid Hall Griswold Memorial Scholarship

Amount: $5,000

Deadline: February 15

The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), awards this scholarship to two students annually. The students must major in either history, government, economics, or political science. It is not renewable.

Requirements: be a US citizen attending an accredited US college/university, be a college junior or senior, be majoring in one of the previously mentioned fields.

Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship

Amount: $8,000

Deadline: TBD for 2021 (Opens October 2020)

The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awards this scholarship in hopes of encouraging students belonging to a racial minority to pursue a career in government finance–at either the state or local level. The association encourages students to apply if they fit the description. Additionally, the scholarship looks for students majoring in either public administration, governmental accounting, finance, political science, or business administration.

In order to be eligible, students must: be of a racial minority (non-white), be a current full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate student, be majoring in one of the previously mentioned fields, be a citizen/permanent residence of the US or Canada, provide a recommendation letter from an academic advisor, dean, or department chair.

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Lint Center Scholarships

Amount: Varies ($500-$1,500)

Deadline: July 31, 2020

When students apply to the Lint Center for National Security Studies’ website, they become a candidate for all scholarships available. However, they must qualify. All of the scholarships center around a desire to produce career-oriented scholars in the fields of National Security, Counterintelligence, Alliance Building, and/or National Defense.

To apply, students must: submit a 600-800 word essay on a topic outlined on their site, be currently enrolled at an accredited university, be a US citizen.

Wayne V. Black Scholarship

Amount: $5,000

Deadline: TBD for 2021 (Opens November 2020)

The Energy Telecommunications & Electrical Association (ENTELEC) provides this memorial scholarship to students pursuing a degree in the following fields: political science, engineering/engineering technology, computer science, telecommunications, IT.

Eligibility requirements include the following. Being a US citizen, being an undergraduate student working towards a bachelor’s degree, majoring in one of the previously mentioned fields.

And keep in mind, schools offer political science scholarships to their own students. Look for scholarship opportunities at the colleges you’re interested in! College Raptor can help you see what sort of financial aid you could potentially receive from various schools around the country.

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