What Do Colleges Look for in Application Essays?

What do colleges look for in an application essay

Flickr user GavinLi

Submitting your test scores, grades, achievements, and personal essay is all part of your application checklist. Many believe that the most important factor in the decision process is school grades or admission test scores. And while these are important, your essay holds more value than you might initially think.

It’s not just a formality—it’s a powerful statement that allows colleges to get a sense of who you are through what values, qualities, and skills you’ve developed and will bring to their campus and community. Knowing what they are looking for can really help you stand out amidst the sea of applicants.

Why Is My College Essay Important?

Each piece of your college application represents a different part of you. Your transcript, test scores, and achievements provide an outline of who you are academically. However, it’s your college essay that fills in the details and helps you really stand out.

Ask yourself this: if a college were to simply read your transcript, what would they learn about you? Would they understand the challenges you faced, like breaking your leg freshman year? Or would they recognize the dedication you poured into landing a role in the school musical after hours of practice?

The point of your application essay is to give a different perspective on who you are; one that cannot be accessed through your grades and test performance. Without it, the college would only see a fraction of who you are.

What Exactly Do College Admission Officers Look For?

Former admissions officer at Brown, Harry Bauld, says that your college essay “shows you at your alive and thinking best, [that you are] a person worth listening to—not just for the ten minutes it takes to read your application, but for the next four years.” With the possibility of other applicants sharing the same grades and achievements as you, your essay might just be what distinguishes you from the crowd.

Your college essay can be written about almost anything, but remember the subject is you. Write something only you can write. Here are some things that college admission officers are looking for in your writing:

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1. Is Your Perspective Unique?

Your first priority is to capture the admissions officers’ attention. They read hundreds of applications every year and have likely heard countless stories about how sports taught perseverance or how traveling provided new cultural perspectives. To stand out, share insights that offer a fresh and unique perspective—even on familiar subjects. It’s not necessarily about having a unique experience; it’s about presenting it in a way that is distinctly yours.

Consider this cliché: “Through my time playing sports, I have learned to go all out, set goals, and become better.” While these points may be true, this introduction is still uninspiring.

Now, imagine this instead: “The buzzer sounds as my final game comes to an end, and the moment is frozen in time. The crowd screams, but I can’t hear them. I am transported back to the very first time I held a basketball at five years old.” What happened when the author first held a basketball and what lessons did they learn along the way? This introduction grabs the reader with a story through a unique lens and invites the reader to learn more about their story.

2. Is Your Voice Original?

Admission officers want to see originality in your writing. With AI on the rise, it can be tempting to use it to write your college essay, but where’s the authenticity in that? While using a robot may feel convenient at the moment, you have something it can never replicate: a personal connection. Write in your own unique voice, without giving in to the temptation of using flowery language and tiresome jargon. Admission officers can sense when an essay isn’t genuine.

Do Colleges Check For AI?

Many colleges do check for AI now. For example, Common App, which is used by 1,000 colleges, added a restriction on “substantive” AI use to their fraud policy in 2023. This means if your essay is flagged for plagiarism, your application could be rejected.

3. Can You Show Growth?

When you can share your growth, it gives college admission officers a deeper understanding of who you are as a person, what drives you, and why you’re a good fit for their campus. It indicates your ability to adapt, learn, and overcome challenges, which is something they are looking for in potential students.

4. Are You Demonstrating Strong Writing Skills?

Strong writing skills involve more than just stringing sentences together. You’ll want to make sure you have a structured outline to bring your work to life. If you’re sharing a story about a camping trip gone wrong, avoid veering off to discuss prom night halfway through. This lack of focus won’t leave a good impression or enhance your chances of getting into school.

Colleges want to know that you can communicate clearly and effectively, therefore your essay should be organized and flow smoothly. When you read through it, does it sound like you? Or does it sound fragmented and like someone else wrote it? If you never say the word “utilize,” why include it in your essay?

It’s not just about what you write; it’s also about how well you pay attention to details. Are you adhering to the correct formatting? Did you fully answer the prompt? Is your work thoroughly proofread for spelling and grammar errors? Demonstrating attention to detail shows that you are academically prepared and capable of thriving in a college environment.

Writing Your College Application Essay

Projecting all your qualities in a single essay while sticking to the guidelines and word count can be challenging. Plus, if you’re applying to multiple college applications it can mean writing multiple essays.

So practice! As the saying goes, “To write well, you have to write.” Use sample questions, especially quirky ones, to practice and hone your skills. You can also use the Common App prompts that many colleges utilize to get ideas and brainstorm. There are plenty of writing samples out there that can help you figure out how to write your essay. The more you practice your writing, the better prepared you’ll be to write essays that truly reflect your unique voice and experiences.

The Most Important Thing About Your Application Essays

Asking, “What are college admission officers looking for?” isn’t necessarily the wrong question, but focusing too much on it can limit your creativity. Instead, think about what you have to say—that’s what they truly want to hear. Your essay should reflect your individuality and personal opinions. And with so many applicants having similar credentials and backgrounds, your essay is what will help you stand out.

As Bauld said, “A warning: There’s no magic formula for writing the college essay.” It’s your way of seeing and thinking. When all is said and done, make sure your essay is authentic to you. This authenticity is your best chance of getting accepted.

Remember, finding the right college is just as important as presenting yourself well. To discover the school that fits your personality, goals, and future plans, use College Raptor’s College Match tool today!

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