Pexels user Lisa Fotios
After you take your ACT, you’ll often receive your scores for both the multiple-choice and essay sections in about a month. However, some students may be interested to see why they received the scores they did. Thanks to the Test Information Release from the ACT, also known as the TIR, that’s possible.
What is the Test Information Release?
The TIR is a service from the ACT that allows you to review your answers, the original test questions, and the answer key used to grade your multiple-choice section. If you did the essay portion, the writing prompt, scores you received from two readers, and the scoring rubric will also be included.
You also have the option of receiving a photocopy of your personal answer sheet and essay.
How Much Is the Service?
Receiving the list release costs an additional $20, on top of any original ACT fees. This includes the multiple-choice questions, your answers, the answer key, the essay prompt, scoring rubric, and two reader scores. You can order the photocopy of your answers and essays for an additional fee. If you would like to order the photocopy, you will receive instructions on how to do so when you receive your list release.
Students can order the Test Information Release for up to three months after their testing date, but you can also order when you register.
Who Can Get The List Release?
Sadly, not all ACT tests are able to receive the Test Information Release service. Each testing year, three Saturday test dates receive the ability to order the TIR. They are usually in April, June, and December. The remaining dates for 2017 are April 8th and June 10th. If, for religious reasons, you cannot take the ACT on a Saturday, you can order the TIR if you test on April 6th, 7th, 9th, or 10th.
If you do not take the test on these dates, the TIR service will not be available to you. It is also not open to International test centers.
How Long Does It Take To Receive?
While your ACT scores generally arrive four weeks after your testing date, the Test Information Release service takes a bit longer. You should expect to receive all the materials about four weeks after you receive your scores. However, they do warn students that you might not receive the answer keys before the next test date or registration deadline. It’s important to plan ahead yourself and study more if you want to retake the ACT, in case it does not arrive in time.
Taking advantage of the ACT’s Test Information Release service is a great way to prepare yourself for a retake of the test, but as stated previously, you shouldn’t rely on it arriving in time for your next test date. If you’re a Junior in High School, it may be worth your time to consider taking the ACT a bit earlier than you planned and using the TIR service for your retake during your Senior year. Seniors should also consider using the TIR service as a way to see your strengths and weaknesses as you head into your college years.
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