Interesting Statistics About Student Retaking the ACT/SAT

ACT and SAT statistics: students retaking the testsFor some reason or the other, most students end up taking the SAT or the ACT at least twice, with many students taking either one of the tests multiple times. The big question then is, is it worth retaking the SAT or the ACT? Does it make any difference at all? Well, there are ACT and SAT statistics on students retaking those tests.

Here are some interesting statistics from a College Board study on how students fared when they retook the SAT and ACT tests.

SAT Statistics on Retaking

Of the total number of students who took the SAT first as juniors and then retook it as seniors, 55% saw a marked improvement in their scores, 35% saw a drop in their scores and 10% saw no change in their scores.

ACT Statistics on Retaking

The stats on retaking the ACT showed a similar graph. Of the total number of students who took the ACT first as juniors and then retook it as seniors, 57% scored higher on the retake, 22% scored lower, and 21% scored the same on their retest as they did on their first take.

Interested to see how your ACT/SAT score affects your admission chances at the colleges on your list? Check out College Raptor’s free match tool to see!

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