How Colleges Are Offering Help With Career Assistance

Flickr user CAFNR

The job market is a highly competitive one, now more than ever. Fortunately, universities and colleges are rising to the occasion and offering their past students help with career assistance. Even if the student graduated from their school several years ago.

College and Career Assistance

Earlier too, colleges offered a full range of career assistance to students but that was restricted to those who were still studying in the college and to students who had graduated from the school within the past one year. Some colleges have now extended this help to all students, regardless of when they graduated.

Different colleges offer help in different ways. In some colleges, career assistance may range from interview advice and assistance with resume writing, to networking opportunities, career fairs, and personality tests. Others have even employed additional career counselors to provide their alumni with valuable one-on-one career advice sessions.

Some colleges are taking this one step further and organization networking sessions or career fairs. To which both employed and career-seeking alumni are invited. These types of sessions have proven to be a huge success. As employed alumni are often in a position to provide useful leads, tips, and even job opportunities. To those looking for an opening.

While some colleges charge a nominal fee for providing assistance to alumni who have graduated over a year ago, others offer this service free of cost.

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