Administer and maintain libraries or collections of information, for public or private access through reference or borrowing. Work in a variety of settings, such as educational institutions, museums, and corporations, and with various types of informational materials, such as books, periodicals, recordings, films, and databases. Tasks may include acquiring, cataloging, and circulating library materials, and user services such as locating and organizing information, providing instruction on how to access information, and setting up and operating a library's media equipment.
Access Services Librarian, Audio Visual Aids Technician (AV Aids Tech), Audio Visual Coordinator (AV Coordinator), Audio Visual Specialist (AV Specialist), Catalog Librarian, Cataloger, Collection Development Librarian, Elementary Librarian, Instruction Librarian, Instructional Technologist, Instructional Technology Specialist, Librarian, Library Media Specialist, Library Services Coordinator, Library Specialist, Media Specialist, Media Technician, Multimedia Services Coordinator, Multimedia Specialist, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Reference Librarian, Research Librarian, School Librarian, Technical Services Librarian, University Librarian, Youth Services Librarian
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Career data: O*NET 28.3 Database
by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (“USDOL/ETA”). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA
Occupation statistics: USDOL U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics