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University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of California-San Diego
Tufts University
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Illinois Institute of Technology
Augsburg University
Husson University
Southern Adventist University
Mount Saint Mary's University
Faulkner University
*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.
Clinical Psychology programs prepare individuals for the independent professional practice of clinical psychology, involving the analysis, diagnosis, and clinical treatment of psychological disorders and behavioral pathologies. Includes instruction in clinical assessment and diagnosis, personality appraisal, psychopathology, clinical psychopharmacology, behavior modification, therapeutic intervention skills, patient interviewing, personalized and group therapy, child and adolescent therapy, cognitive and behavioral therapy, supervised clinical practice, ethical standards, and applicable regulations.
For all the 263 degrees awarded in Clinical Psychology per year, the majority of them are Masters degree. Of the 263 students graduating with degrees at the Bachelors degree level across the US, 82% percent identify as women and 18% percent identify as men. Though students at schools all over the US study Clinical Psychology, California has the most graduates. The average annual income for a graduate with a bachelor's degree in Clinical Psychology is $44,000.
For Clinical Psychology majors, some of the most in demand careers include Managers, All Other, Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary and Clinical and Counseling Psychologists. Not only that, Clinical Psychology graduates may find a high salary job, such as Managers, All Other or Clinical and Counseling Psychologists.
These are the highest paying careers for Clinical Psychology majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Clinical Psychology majors.
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