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#1 Best College for Molecular Physiology in the U.S.

Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN

Vanderbilt University is known for being a extremely selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#2 Best College for Molecular Physiology in the U.S.

University of California-Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA

the University of California-Los Angeles is known for being a extremely selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#3 Best College for Molecular Physiology in the U.S.

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI

Generally, the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor is a extremely selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#4 Best College for Molecular Physiology in the U.S.

University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL

In general, the University of Alabama at Birmingham is known for being a non selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#5 Best College for Molecular Physiology in the U.S.

University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA

the University of Iowa is known for being a non selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#6 Best College for Molecular Physiology in the U.S.

Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary


*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.

About Molecular Physiology

A program that focuses on the scientific study of dynamic interactive processes and biochemical communications at the subcellular level. Includes instruction in ion channels and transporters, molecular signaling pathways, endocrine control and regulation, genetic information transfer, homeostasis and molecular control systems, electrophysiology and sensory mechanisms, protein synthesis, and applicable research methods and technologies.

Of the 27 Molecular Physiology degrees granted each year at the Doctors degree research scholarship level, men make up 48% percent and women make up 52% percent of the area of study. Did you know that California has more students being granted a degree in Molecular Physiology than any other state? In fact, California awarded 10 degrees last year! The average annual income for an undergraduate degree in Molecular Physiology is $42,090.

Popularity of Molecular Physiology Degrees in the U.S.
This heat map represents the states that have the highest percent of Molecular Physiology degrees compared to all other degrees awarded in that state.
Less Popular
More Popular


The highest paying careers for Molecular Physiology majors include Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists, Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary . However, another thing to think about is how many job openings there currently is. Positions that are in high need that a degree in Molecular Physiology can prepare you for are Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists, Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary .

Top Paying Careers

These are the highest paying careers for Molecular Physiology majors.

Most In-Demand Careers

These are the careers in highest demand for Molecular Physiology majors.

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
14 (51%)
Male Students
13 (48%)

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