International and Comparative Education

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#1 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

George Washington University
Washington, DC

George Washington University is a highly selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#2 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA

Generally, Boston College is a extremely selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#3 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

New York University
New York, NY

Generally, New York University is a extremely selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#4 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, IL

Loyola University Chicago is known for being a somewhat selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#5 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

American University
Washington, DC

American University is known for being a highly selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#6 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN

Vanderbilt University is known for being a extremely selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#7 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

SUNY at Albany
Albany, NY

In general, SUNY at Albany is known for being a fairly selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#8 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

Florida International University
Miami, FL

Overall, Florida International University is known for being a fairly selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#9 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX

Overall, Sam Houston State University is a somewhat selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#10 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

Indiana University-Bloomington
Bloomington, IN

Indiana University-Bloomington is known for being a somewhat selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#11 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

Teachers College at Columbia University
New York, NY

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#12 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

SIT Graduate Institute
Brattleboro, VT

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#13 Best College for International and Comparative Education in the U.S.

Arizona State University Digital Immersion
Scottsdale, AZ

Arizona State University Digital Immersion is known for being a fairly selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary


*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.

About International and Comparative Education

A program that focuses on the educational phenomena, practices and institutions within different societies and states in comparative perspective, and the study of international educational issues. Includes instruction in comparative research methods, country- or area-specific studies, crossnational studies of learning and teaching styles, international educational policy and development, and analyses of educational migration patterns and experiences.

Students studying International and Comparative Education can earn up to a Masters degree. On average, 18% percent of men and 82% percent of women make up the degrees awarded across all college campuses. International and Comparative Education is most popular in New York. The Median Starting Salary for an undergraduate degree in International and Comparative Education is $37,307.

Popularity of International and Comparative Education Degrees in the U.S.
This heat map represents the states that have the highest percent of International and Comparative Education degrees compared to all other degrees awarded in that state.
Less Popular
More Popular

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
168 (82%)
Male Students
36 (17%)

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