How And When To Defer Your Student Loan

A deferment gives you temporary relief from making your federal student loan payments and is one of the best solutions when you are struggling to make the payments on time. But when and how do you defer payments on your student loans?

Cross light with a red hand lit up.

What is Deferment?

It is important to understand that a deferment does not absolve you from your loan responsibilities. It just releases you from making scheduled payments during the deferment period. This allows you to regroup and build up your finances in the interim. However, not all students are eligible for this facility.

Deferment Eligibility

In most cases, you may be eligible to defer payment for your student loans if you are:

  • Enrolled in a medical internship or residency, a graduate fellowship program, or rehabilitation training
  • Working as a full-time teacher in an earmarked teacher-shortage area
  • Serving active military duty in the Armed Forces or National Guard
  • Volunteering full-time in the Peace Corps for a minimum period of one year
  • Serving full-time in public health services
  • Disabled or care for someone who is disabled

Each criterion has its own set of eligibility rules, guidelines, and time limits. It is important to find out all the details and read the fine print before you apply for student loan deferment.

Different lenders have different formalities and procedures in place for loan deferment. Set up a meeting with the lender to discuss your options and only then fill in the application form. Most lenders will approve your request if you meet their set eligibility criteria.

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