Flickr user Shannan Muskopf
Have trouble finishing high school and wondering what your next steps may be? If you were planning on taking the GED (General Education Diploma), be sure to consider the HiSET and TASC tests as well. These tests are all used to measure your knowledge in accordance with that of a typical high school graduate.
The HiSET (High School Equivalency Test) is a five-part test offered through the Education Testing Service that can be taken electronically or on paper. This test is also provided in both English and Spanish, to accommodate more test-takers. There are different eligibility requirements depending on the state you live in. The test costs $10 per subtest, and the state you live in may include other required fees to take the exam. Should you receive a score you are unhappy with, you can take the test a maximum of three times in one year.
The TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) is offered through the Data Recognition Corporation. There are six parts to the exam, covering five different subjects. The cost varies depending on your testing center. Like the HiSET, TASC is offered electronically and on paper, and can be taken in English or Spanish. While the three exams may be offered by different companies and have different questions, they cover the same topics and count in the same way.
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