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#1 Best College for Chemical Physics in the U.S.

University of Maryland-College Park
College Park, MD

the University of Maryland-College Park is known for being a highly selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#2 Best College for Chemical Physics in the U.S.

Kent State University at Kent
Kent, OH

In general, Kent State University at Kent is a non selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#3 Best College for Chemical Physics in the U.S.

Harvard University
Cambridge, MA

In 2016, Harvard received a record breaking amount of first year applications: 39,044.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#4 Best College for Chemical Physics in the U.S.

University of Nevada-Reno
Reno, NV

the University of Nevada-Reno is a non selective school. They receive about 9,400 applications annually.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#5 Best College for Chemical Physics in the U.S.

University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO

the University of Colorado Boulder is a somewhat selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary


*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.

About Chemical Physics

A program that focuses on the scientific study of structural phenomena combining the disciplines of physical chemistry and atomic/molecular physics. Includes instruction in heterogeneous structures, alignment and surface phenomena, quantum theory, mathematical physics, statistical and classical mechanics, chemical kinetics, and laser physics.

Students studying Chemical Physics can be awarded a degree up to a Masters degree. On average, 25% percent of women and 75% percent of men make up the degrees awarded across all college campuses. Chemical Physics is most common in Ohio. The Median Starting Salary for an undergraduate degree in Chemical Physics is $45,700.

Popularity of Chemical Physics Degrees in the U.S.
This heat map represents the states that have the highest percent of Chemical Physics degrees compared to all other degrees awarded in that state.
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Majoring in Chemical Physics, your experience could lead you towards different careers. Chemical Physics majors go on to find jobs including Chemists and Natural Sciences Managers which are in high demand. Some of the jobs with the highest salary for Chemical Physics majors include Physics Teachers, Postsecondary, Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary and Chemists.

Top Paying Careers

These are the highest paying careers for Chemical Physics majors.

Most In-Demand Careers

These are the careers in highest demand for Chemical Physics majors.

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
3 (25%)
Male Students
9 (75%)

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