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#1 Best College for Automation Engineer Technology/Technician in the U.S.

Wayne State University
Detroit, MI

In general, Wayne State University is known for being a somewhat selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary


*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.

About Automation Engineer Technology/Technician

Automation Engineer Technology/Technician programs prepare individuals to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of engineers and other professionals engaged in developing, installing, calibrating, modifying and maintaining automated systems. Includes instruction in computer systems; electronics and instrumentation; programmable logic controllers (PLCs); electric, hydraulic and pneumatic control systems; actuator and sensor systems; process control; robotics; applications to specific industrial tasks; and report preparation.

While Automation Engineer Technology/Technician has degrees up to the Postbaccalaureate certificate, the majority of students earn a Associates degree. Students major in Automation Engineer Technology/Technician all over the country, though the major at the Masters degree level has the most graduates in Michigan. The average annual income for a graduate with a bachelor's degree in Automation Engineer Technology/Technician is $57,600.

How popular is a Masters degree in Automation Engineer Technology/Technician in MI

Less Popular
More Popular
2 degrees awarded
Masters degree in Automation Engineer Technology/Technician makes up 0.05% of all Masters degree awarded in Michigan

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
2 (100%)
Male Students

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