The Value of a Master’s Degree for Teachers: ROI and Increased Salary by State [INFOGRAPHIC]

Teachers are often underpaid–it’s no secret.

Among similarly taught and trained professions, teaching is almost universally the lowest-paid profession. Accounting for worked hours and out-of-pocket expenses, that gap is potentially huge.

Teaching is already one of the lowest-paid careers. The gap increases when teachers have to use their own money to cover costs in their classrooms.

This fact alone leads many teachers to consider the value of achieving a Masters degree for teachers. It is usually associated with increased earnings and better long-term career options.

But, just how much is a Master’s worth for a teacher? Obtaining one is, of course, a big investment of time and money. Is it worth the time spent getting one? Will it pay you back in the long run?

The short answer is: Almost certainly yes. But, it depends in large part where you’re planning to teach–and for how long. While you should consider getting a master’s degree, a lot of other factors come into play when it comes to your income and return on investment (ROI).

We wanted to analyze the expected ROI of obtaining a Masters degree for teachers (either MAT or MEd, in most cases) and help those considering the jump make their decision.

In our analysis of the value of a Masters degree for teachers was based on data found in the National Center for Education Statistic’s 2014 report on elementary and secondary teacher’s salaries.

ROI masters degree for teachers

Note: Maryland, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Florida, and Washington D.C. did not have data in the NCES study.



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