Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician

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#1 Best College for Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician in the U.S.

Cuesta College
San Luis Obispo, CA

At Cuesta College, only one major is offered: Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician. On average, 19 students receive a degree in Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician every year. view more

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Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary


*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.

About Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician

Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician programs prepare individuals, under the supervision of psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, and other mental health care professionals, to provide direct patient care services, assist in developing and implementing treatment plans, administer medications, and perform related administrative functions. Includes instruction in mental health theory, applied psychopathology, patient communication and management, crisis intervention, psychotropic medication, mental health treatment procedures, substance abuse, record-keeping, clinical administrative skills, and applicable standards and regulations.

For all the 2,423 degrees granted in Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician annually, the majority of them are Award of at least 1 but less than 2 academic years. Of the 19 students earning degrees at the Award of at least 2 but less than 4 academic years level across the US, 47% percent identify as men and 53% percent identify as women. Though students at schools all over the US study Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician, California has the most graduates. The average starting salary for a graduate with a bachelor's degree in Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician is $37,200.

How popular is an Award of at least 2 but less than 4 academic years in Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician in CA

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19 degrees awarded
Award of at least 2 but less than 4 academic years in Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician makes up 50.00% of all Award of at least 2 but less than 4 academic years awarded in California


For Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician majors, some of the most in demand jobs include Psychiatric Technicians, Psychiatric Aides . Additionally, Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician graduates may find a top paying job, such as Psychiatric Technicians or Psychiatric Aides.

Top Paying Careers

These are the highest paying careers for Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician majors.

Most In-Demand Careers

These are the careers in highest demand for Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician majors.

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
10 (52%)
Male Students
9 (47%)

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