Kali Slaymaker

Two college students standing and smiling for picture taken inside their dorm room.
tips tools & advice

Freshman Roommates: Who Brings What for Your Dorm

For your freshman year of college, you will likely have a roommate. Possibly more than one! While you’re still in high school, fantasizing about college life and decorating your dorm room, you may come to a halting question: who brings what? We’re here to help you make the initial contact with your roomie and decide …
A college syllabus is incredibly important
tips tools & advice

The Importance of the College Syllabus

The college syllabus. The best kept secret weapon to acing a class. But why is it a secret? Everyone has access to it. The reason is because so many students disregard it. You’ll probably hear the term “syllabus week” or “sylly week.” This is often the first week of classes where many classes do not …
Here's how you can create an effective study group
tips tools & advice

How To Create an Effective Study Group

For most students, the biggest struggle between high school and college courses is the autonomy you’re given. Professors don’t monitor your progress nearly as close as most high school classes. The course may have very little homework and tests create a large portion of your grade. It is easy to fall into the trap of …
The wing of an airplane against a sunset.

Scholarships for Study Abroad: General

A common myth people believe about studying abroad is that it’s not affordable. In certain situations, that may be true, but for many, it is not the case. A lot of programs match tuition and board at the student’s home institution. Additionally, for many of these institutions that tuition match is basing it off in-state …
Here are some study abroad myths.

College Myths: Study Abroad Edition

Studying abroad is an experience many students wish for. This can a very meaningful and inspirational opportunity for students to partake in. However, there are many study abroad myths. We are here to set the record straight.  Myth #1: I can’t afford to study abroad Studying abroad can be less than, equal, or more than …
Kids gather around the big color wheel fabric and holding it.
majors & industries

Careers with the Highest Job Openings

You’re in the thick of your college search and trying to find the best college match for you. There are so many criteria to evaluate when you choose a college. The size of the campus and surrounding community, the net price to attend, acceptance odds, and what you want to study. The last one is …
A lime green chair and white table.
tips tools & advice

Do’s and Don’ts: General Education Classes

There are some basic do’s and don’ts about gen ends. Do: pick classes that you’re interested in, actually learn, and make some friends. Don’t: just go with the easiest class, procrastinate, and lean back on your high school experience. Of course, it’s more complicated than that, which is why we explain each below. When creating …