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An icon of a laptop on the left, the word "or" in the center, and an icon of a notebook on the right.
tips tools & advice

Laptop vs. Notebook: Which is Better to Take Notes On?

The laptop is used with more and more frequency in college classrooms, but what about the classic notebook? Is typing better than writing by hand? Professors say that laptops are a liability and distraction in class. However, students report that laptops are more beneficial than traditional note-taking. So who is right? What are the pros …
A lime green chair and white table.
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Do’s and Don’ts: General Education Classes

There are some basic do’s and don’ts about gen ends. Do: pick classes that you’re interested in, actually learn, and make some friends. Don’t: just go with the easiest class, procrastinate, and lean back on your high school experience. Of course, it’s more complicated than that, which is why we explain each below. When creating …
Hand holding a wrench attached to lug nut of the tire.
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43 Life Skills to Know Before College!

There are a ton of practical life skills to know that aren’t often taught anymore. There are students, graduates, and young professionals–and even some adults–who have missed out on learning some basic life skills. (I’m guilty in this too, I don’t know how to sew or change a tire to save my life). Whether by …
There are a few things I wish I would have known before college.
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What I Wish I’d Known Before College: 6 Things

As a senior about to graduate high school, I harbored tons of angst about college based on my teachers, peers, family, and the rest of the universe’s constant reminders of how important and serious college is. From SATs to college research and never-ending cafeteria conversations about scholarships and application processes, I was more than sure …
Multiple bookshelves filled with books.
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Practical Tips on Writing an A+ Research Paper

Understand the Research Paper Assignment Before You Start Choose an Engaging Topic for Your Research Paper Start Searching for Reputable Sources Create a Precise Thesis Statement Develop a Rough Outline Write a Draft and Finish Up Your Paper Cite Your Sources and Format Your Bibliography BONUS: Tips For Writing an A+ Research Paper The end …
Here are some ideas for real meals on a budget
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Ideas for Real Meals on a Budget

Now that you’ve been living on your own, you have probably come to a sad realization: feeding yourself is expensive. You may have wondered why you couldn’t talk your parents into going out to eat more often when you were younger; you probably didn’t realize it was in the name of frugality. Food is a serious budget …
College student wearing a green graduation robe jumping.
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How to Increase Your Odds of Graduating College in 4 Years

The stats are less than encouraging to look at. One study shows that nationally only 19% of full-time students at non-flagship schools earn their bachelor’s degrees within four years. Even at flagship and research schools, the rate isn’t much better — 36%. Yikes. While attending college for more than four years is common, it also …
A girl walking on a purple tightrope that's tied to two trees.
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Do’s and Don’ts: Balancing Your College Life

During your college years, there will be many different things that require your attention. Your schoolwork, extracurricular activities, maybe a part-time job, and if you’d like to have a social life, that too. Time will be the most important commodity you have. Learning to make the most of it is vital to your success both …
A student writing a paper. There are do's and don'ts of writing a paper
tips tools & advice

5 Do’s and Don’ts: Writing an Essay

Do you think of yourself as a writer? There are many different essay writing methods but they all provide the same outcome—a finalized essay! It doesn’t matter how you get the essay written, it matters that you produce a resourced-packed, well-written paper. Regardless, you should keep a few things in mind when figuring out your writing …