What is a J-Term

  • J-Term is a period in January where students can take courses for credit, study abroad, participate in internships, or take a break.
  • This unique term offers students unique classes like painting and mountain climbing, as well as traditional subjects like animal behavior and history.
  • Some schools that offer J-Term include Oberlin College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Delaware.

Have you ever heard of “J-Term?” before? Many students and their parents haven’t, and some only learn of it during college orientation. But here’s what you need to know about J-Term and how you can take advantage of this opportunity.


Students enjoying snow at UVA Charlottesville during J-term

What is J-Term?

J-Term, also known as January Term, Winter J Term, Winter Term, Jan Plan, or Winter Semester, is a 2- to 4-week period in January where you can take a course for credit. In comparison, most spring and fall semester courses take around 16 weeks to complete

The actual length of the class varies from school to school, and not even all colleges offer this term. If they’re available, they tend to start either at the beginning of January or in the middle of the month, prior to the start of the spring semester.

What Classes Are Available During Jan Plan?

If your college offers a J-Term, the classes available will likely be quite different from one school to the next! Some of the courses available provide students the opportunity to take some different classes outside the realm of their normal major or minor. They really can be on just about everything. Plus, in most cases, you can always sign up for more than one.

Here are a few examples of options that may be offered by your school:

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Beginner Courses

Many J-Terms include beginner courses or “Introduction To” classes. This can cover everything from Art History to Marketing and Computer Science to Oceanic Studies. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore something new that you know little about but you’re interested in. If you haven’t settled on a major yet, these courses give you more time to explore options.

Sports and Outdoor Activities

If you want to learn a new sport or participate in your favorite activity, many schools offer these unique opportunities during J-Term. You might want to tackle Pickleball, start Mountain Climbing, or learn the basics of Fencing. These colleges also tend to have clubs for these activities – if you end up loving it, you can sign up for the club!

Niche Topics

Not all courses during Jan Plan are going to be on the basics. Some classes are extremely niche or specialized. For example, Loyola University in New Orleans has offered Geospatial Crime Analysis, Money as Meaning, and Science of Hate.

Other schools could have courses on specific authors, movie directors, comedy, protesting, or printmaking. There’s really no end to what colleges can have during J-Term. However, some classes may be restricted to those already in the related major or minor.


A hands-on class could be just what you need if you want something hands-on but don’t want to be outside in the middle of January. Many of these focus on various art forms, such as origami and paper crafts, painting, film, pottery, drawing, and others.

Study Abroad

If you’d like to study abroad but don’t want to commit to a full semester, J-Term presents you with a unique opportunity. You’ll head to a different country to study a niche topic for just a few years. For instance, for the 2025 J-Term, Loyola University offered a horror icon class in London, a justice and globalization course in India, and an international business and ecotourism class in Costa Rica.

What Are the Benefits of Taking a J-Term?

There are a few benefits to note when it comes to going to a college or university that offers J-Term.

Opportunity to Study Abroad

Some schools offer the ability to study abroad during this period, which works particularly well for students who may want to study abroad but don’t have many options due to their major. They can go out of the country for a few weeks, study, and get credits for their college requirements. Plus, you get a whole new experience, maybe out of your comfort zone, without a huge commitment.

May Be Able to Graduate Earlier

One of the biggest benefits of the Winter Term is the potential to graduate a bit earlier. By taking a J-Term class, you can earn credits toward graduation. If you take courses each January, they’ll absolutely add up. Take enough and you could graduate a semester early.

Learn Something Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Has there been a topic or skill you’ve always wanted to learn about, but simply don’t have the time in your normal schedule? Or are you not sure if you’re interested in a subject or major and just want to test the waters?

Whether you’re interested in history or learning pottery, the J-term gives you the perfect opportunity to do that without spending too much time out of your fall or spring semesters. You can dip your toe into the subject and find out if it’s for you.

What Else Can You Do During the Winter Break?

If your school doesn’t have a J-Term, there are no classes you’re interested in, or you just don’t want to attend college for the next few weeks, you have a few different options on your winter break!

Take Time Off

For many students, January presents a much-needed break from school. You might want to stay with family or friends longer, earn some extra income, or just simply relax over the next few weeks, focusing on hobbies you love.

Gain Internship or Volunteer Experience

January is also a great time to take on a short internship or volunteer. You can find these online or through your community or college’s career center. Especially during the holidays, organizations need interns and volunteers to handle heavy workloads.

Internships and volunteer work is perfect for exploring your interests and potential career fields. It could even end up leading to a job or longer internship later!

READ MORE >> 16 Great Internships for Students


You don’t have to go through your school’s J-Term study abroad program to see another part of the world. You can travel to the next city over, take a trip to a whole new country, or anywhere in between. Plus, many vacation spots see much less travelers during January, so even must-go areas will see fewer crowds. Take the opportunity to try something new even if you’re not in the classroom!

Can You Pay for J-Term With Student Financial Aid?

How you can pay for J-Term depends on the college.

Some schools state that the classes must be paid for out of pocket or with private student loans. Others offer specific financial aid packages for January term courses. And other colleges still consider J-Term part of the spring semester, which means you can use your spring financial aid package to pay for the class.

Exact prices for Jan Plan classes vary, depending on the class and the school. Some even offer tuition discounts for these courses. Always check out your college’s credit prices before signing up for a class. You might also have to pay for fees, room and board, equipment, supplies, and books, based on the course you selected.

What Schools Offer J-Term?

There are dozens of colleges and universities in the United States that offer J-term – too many to list here! You should always check with your school to see if they offer January classes as they might not always be heavily advertised. But some colleges (yes, some are Top Colleges and Hidden Gems) that offer J-term include:

J-Term can bring about several benefits and be a great way of rounding out your education! If your school offers this unique opportunity, be sure to check out all the available classes as you might just find some ones you hadn’t expected!

Are you still searching for a major? J-Term is the perfect chance to explore some subjects you hadn’t considered before. To help you narrow it down, we recommend using our Major Search tool. You can explore various subjects, job opportunities, and more.

If J-Term sounds awesome to you, make sure to check out our college match tool to see which colleges offer this unique college experience.

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