Ellen Andersen

Grow your scholarship money from outside scholarships!
scholarship search & applications

The Pros and Cons of Outside Scholarships

One great way to pay for college is scholarships. Scholarships are gift-aid, meaning that you don’t need to repay anything. Many people think of college scholarships as coming only from the government or from colleges themselves—and most do. However, there are many other “outside” scholarships that can also offer aid. Community centers, private companies, and other …
You should consider taking summer classes.
tips tools & advice

Why You Should Consider Taking Summer Classes

While the prospect of a relaxing summer sounds delightful, it might be time to consider summer courses. Internships and jobs are important to consider as well. Each course of action has its own pros and cons. Here are a few reasons to think about the choice of summer classes. Taking summer classes during college In …
Studying for the SAT and ACT is probably the last thing you want to do.

Why You Should Study for the ACT/SAT During the Summer Break

I know, summer is supposed to be a time of relaxation. No classwork, no school requirements, just lounging, or a summer job, or vacation. But there are benefits to studying over your summer break. It might be the most crucial time to study for the ACT or SAT before you take it. Start the summer …
Have you considered going to an ACT / SAT summer camp?

What Are ACT/SAT Summer Camps?

When people imagine summer camps, intensive study sessions probably aren’t the first things that come to mind. And yet, that option is available for ACT/SAT test prep. Summer programs vary: There are online options available, meaning you can do all this studying at home. But there are also very real camps that you go to, …
Mascots - Tufts University – Jumbo the Elephant
student life

College Mascots with Interesting Histories

Often the face of a university, mascots are the epicenter of school spirit and hype when it comes to college sports. Many mascots are inspired by history or specially created by the student body. Some mascots, however, have a more interesting story behind them than others. Auburn University – “War Eagle” There are various legends …
A woman kneeling and fixing the model's black dress.
college comparisons

4 of the Best Colleges for Students Interested in Fashion

Whether it’s for fun or your intended career path, there are plenty of opportunities available for students interested in fashion. “Fashion,” of course, is a broad category: There’s design, marketing, photography, modeling, and other sub-categories. Here are some schools that have activities and programs for interested students. Lasell College – Newton, MA Lasell is well-known …
How long should you study for the SAT and ACT?

How Long Should I Study for the ACT and SAT?

Scoring well on standardized tests can help you get accepted by your dream college, so it’s important to study. But how long should you be studying? It’s a question many high school students face as they enter their junior years. There is no one answer, unfortunately: Necessary study time is derived from the individual. Start …
Save up any monetary gifts at your graduation party.
tips tools & advice

Throwing a Graduation Party with College in Mind

It’s easy to get excited about your high school graduation and graduation party, and why shouldn’t you be? You’ve put in four years of effort for this moment. Enjoy it, savor it, but keep in mind that if you’re going to college in the fall, there are some ways to plan ahead. Save any monetary …