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5 Top Grammar Mistakes College Students Make

Do you know where the library is at? They told me, the library, is on the West side of Campus. I am going to the library now so I can check out some books on history and biology and medicine so I can keep studying for my tests this weekend.  Can you quickly identify the …
questions & answers

5 Fun Educational Games for High School Students

Games aren’t just for free time! They’re a great way to learn new things and cement new information in our brains. As a result, they’re fantastic for all students, including those in high school. We put together a list of some of the best educational games currently out there for high school students, but let’s …
questions & answers

How to Write a Great Lab Report

Lab reports are usually at lesser half of your grade in your lab class. A typical lab report will show your total understanding of the labs you are performing and is essential to becoming a good scientist. Whether you’re on track to become a scientist, or are simply taking a science class and lab for …
college admissions, questions & answers

10 Awesome Podcasts for High School Students

Podcasts are taking the world by storm and they’re not just for typical adult topics. They range in a variety of topics and are very informative, especially for high school students who want to hear about all things college and beyond. Podcasts aren’t boring conversations anymore! There are science podcasts, thought-provoking podcasts, and even funny …
diversity in college
questions & answers

What is Higher Education?

In the United States, higher education refers to postsecondary education, which is offered at colleges, vocational-technical schools, and community colleges. It is called ‘higher’ education because it involves classes that are beyond the high school level.  It’s important to understand that this definition of higher education only applies to the United States. Different countries define …
Three students in an AP class
college applications, questions & answers

Top 5 Hardest AP Classes

Advanced Placement (AP) classes are created by College Board and are college-level courses for high schoolers. You can take a variety of AP classes that are offered at your high school and if you receive a certain score for the AP test, you can get college credit for that class! Since these are college-level courses, …