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Digital Citizenship: Why It’s So Important for Students

You likely follow many of the rules of digital citizenship without knowing it. From internet safety to etiquette, these may have already been ingrained in you by either your parents or teachers. But digital citizenship is more than safety online. Here’s a rundown of what it is, the 9 aspects of digital citizenship, and why …
There are a few reasons as to why students drop out of college.
questions & answers

How To Plan for College Graduation: 7 Must Do’s!

Planning for college graduation involves more than showing up—it requires careful consideration of degree requirements, application deadlines, attire, invitation mail-outs, logistics planning, and finally, celebrating the achievement. Additionally, it’s essential to start thinking about life after college, whether it involves entering the workforce, pursuing further education, or taking a break. Graduation is a significant milestone, …
questions & answers

What is the NSHSS?

The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) is a group for advanced students who have distinguished themselves among their peers. Students can join if they meet certain academic criteria and take advantage of several benefits, including exclusive scholarships. Keep reading to learn how you can qualify, the perks you can enjoy, and other details …
Graduating students throwing their caps in the air.
questions & answers

What To Do After Graduation

So, you’ve graduated high school – now what? Well, first off, congratulations on graduation! You’ve done a wonderful job and your whole life is ahead of you. This is a time for celebration, but it’s also a time for planning. So here are some tips and ideas on what to do after your graduate high …
how to improve your grades
college applications, questions & answers

How to Calculate Cumulative GPA

 Cumulative GPA is the average of all the grades you’ve earned throughout high school and college. Cumulative GPA is different from weighted or unweighted GPA. Colleges use your cumulative GPA to measure your eligibility for various academic opportunities such as graduation, scholarships, and honors programs. During high school and college you’re sure to have heard …
questions & answers

Ultimate Graduation Checklist For Parents

High school graduation marks a major milestone in your child’s life. It’s their first step into adulthood. From here on, they’ll have to learn to deal with life’s many challenges and make important decisions on their own. They’ll also have to earn a living and learn how to manage their finances on their own. Making …