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Some internships offer college credits as compensation.
questions & answers

Types of College Credits

If you’re going to college, you’re going to have to pay special attention to “credits.” These are required in order to graduate! But what are they, how do they impact your education, and what types do you need to graduate on time? What are College Credits? Every time you pass a class in college, you …
Public Speaking to an audience.
college admissions, questions & answers

How to Be a Better Public Speaker

Whether you have to complete a debate project for your high school government class or you need to present your thesis, public speaking can be scary! Thankfully, there are ways to cut down on that anxiety and ensure you’re properly prepared. Here’s a rundown of why public speaking is so important plus some tips to …
person in interview.
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How To Prepare For A Coding Interview

The thought of going for a coding interview can be intimidating, especially if this is your first one. You’re not sure what to expect, which makes it even more difficult to know how to prepare for a coding interview. What should you focus on during your prep? Which are the best books to prepare for …
Getting an online masters degree is a huge commitment.
questions & answers

What Is A Master’s Degree: The Ultimate Guide

Many students consider pursuing a Master’s degree after earning their Bachelor’s degree. Some choose this path to gain specialized knowledge in their field, others choose it to increase their employment and earning potential. But what is a Masters degree? And how would it benefit you? Understanding what a Master’s degree is and how it may …
A close-up shot of a coding program.
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Best Way to Learn Python

As technology takes the world by storm, it’s important to be well-versed in the tech language. Programs like Python are super popular and a great way to break into the tech world. To learn Python, you can take courses or do it on your own with free resources. When you take courses, you’ll be able …
college admissions, questions & answers

How Hard is it to Get Into Harvard?

Getting into college can be difficult, but what about getting into Harvard University? Is it really as difficult as they say? Well, yes – it is quite tough to get accepted to Harvard! Here’s why and how you can work to increase your chances of getting an acceptance letter from this Ivy League. How Hard …
Should you use the Common Application when applying to colleges
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Why Isn’t There a Common App for Scholarships?

If you’re completing scholarship applications, you may be a bit overwhelmed by the number of forms you have to fill out and essays you need to complete. You wouldn’t be the first student to ask, “Why isn’t there a Common App for scholarships like there is for college applications?” Sadly, there are no standardized applications …
Two high school girls visiting a college before applying to it.
questions & answers

How Much Harder is High School Than Middle School?

As you get ready to head into freshman year of high school, there’s no doubt there are some jitters. That’s okay! You might be pleasantly surprised to learn, however, that high school isn’t necessarily harder, but it is certainly different. High School vs. Middle School: Is It That Much Harder? It’s natural for classes to …