Hilary Cairns

What you need to know about the ACT Test Information Release

What You Need to Know About the ACT’s Test Information Release

After you take your ACT, you’ll often receive your scores for both the multiple-choice and essay sections in about a month. However, some students may be interested to see why they received the scores they did. Thanks to the Test Information Release from the ACT, also known as the TIR, that’s possible. What is the …
Multiple choice test sheet with shaded answers.

Is the ACT harder than the SAT? Which Test Should You Take?

Is the ACT harder than the SAT? In general terms, no! It’s actually a myth that one is harder or easier than the other. However, one may be harder for you as a person compared to the next. Here’s what you need to know about these myths, what colleges think, and how you can personally …
What are the available accommodations for the SAT and ACT?

What ACT/SAT Accommodations Are Available For Students With Disabilities?

As with most tests, the ACT and SAT makes accommodations for students with documented disabilities. There are a number of examples of accommodations, which depends on the student’s needs. But, here are some of the more common ones: Extended SAT Time Extended time is available for students who may need longer to complete specific sections …
We put together a list of 6 of the most popular undergraduate majors.
majors & industries

The 10 Most Popular Undergraduate Majors

Selecting a major or field of study to pursue is a big part of college life. After all, it could very well dictate the career you pursue after graduation! It’s something that deserves plenty of thought. Some students know exactly what they want to study even before they apply to college. However, others may decide …
Show interest in a college to show how dedicated you are to attending.
college search

How To Demonstrate Interest In A College

You probably have a few colleges on your list to apply to, with some being your dream school or top choice, but how do you really demonstrate interest to attend? For more selective schools, showing interest could really give you a leg up on the competition. Here are a few ways to really show your …
A tan and pink price tag with text next to it that says "what is included in cost of attendance?"
affordability & college cost

What is Included in “Cost of Attendance?”

Cost of attendance or COA is a term you’ll come across often when researching different colleges and their fees. Families often confuse cost of attendance with college tuition. The fact is although the two are associated, they are two completely different things. College tuition is just one part of the total cost of attendance. Here’s …
Internships are not only for college students

Myth: Internships Are Only for College Students

We most often hear about how a college student we know is aiming for this internship during their summer or that one immediately after graduation, but did you know that interning isn’t only for people in college? Here’s why you should still consider going after that internship even if you’re still in high school: Great …
Here are some tips on how to save time on college applications
college applications

How to Save Time on College Applications

Your senior year of high school is a hectic time, especially if you have work, volunteer, or play sports after class. On top of that, you’re getting prepared to head to college next year! Between the applications, ACT and SAT tests, essays, and more, it can get a bit overwhelming. Here are a few tips …