Hilary Cairns

A burgundy background with text overlayed that says "what is the student answer service?"

About The SAT: SAS Student Answer Service

Much like the ACT, the SAT also has a service that can help you review your results, known as the Student Answer Service. Here’s a quick overview so you can determine if this service is right for you. What is the Student Answer Service? The Student Answer Service, also known as the SAS, is a …
A person is riding a bicycle at a fast speed.
questions & answers

What is an Accelerated Degree Program?

Typically, earning a bachelor’s degree the traditional way can take up to 4-5 years, but did you know you can actually complete a bachelor’s degree in as little as one year? An accelerated degree program means you can earn your bachelor’s or master’s degree in a much shorter time span than is typical. What is …
Bookshelf and a word "History" above it.

History of the SAT

The SAT is such a normal occurrence for high school seniors and incoming college freshman, that many don’t think about the roots of the test today. It’s actually less than a 100 years old. Here’s how the SAT become one of the most used standardized tests across the United States. Early Beginnings In the 1900’s, …
Popular destinations - UK
student life

Most Popular Destinations for Study Abroad

Studying abroad can give you some great world views during your formative college years. In addition to being in another culture, it gives you the opportunity to learn in different settings. However, you might also want to stay with other Americans to make sure you adapt a bit easier. Here are some of the most …
Why are there college application fees?
questions & answers

Do College Applications Cost Money?

Many college applications do cost some amount of money. However, the fee, if any depends on the school. Some colleges and universities in the United States can charge over $75 to apply to the school while others completely waive the fee, inviting students to apply free of charge. But this college application fee is only …
Who takes the PSAT?

Who Is Eligible To Take The PSAT?

You may have heard the term PSAT mentioned during high school, especially during the start of the school year. However, some students may not fully understand the purpose of the PSAT. Some even confuse it with a school-sponsored practice SAT. Here’s some advice on taking the PSAT if you’re eligible: What Is The PSAT? The …
Half of a rose-gold Timex classic alarm clock.
student life

Pros and Cons of Being a Part-Time Student

Being a part-time student might be a good option for those who have already begun pursuing a career and are on their way to becoming financially independent. You can also take care of any family responsibilities while simultaneously working towards a degree. According to research conducted by Times Higher Education, part-time students gain higher pay, …
College student interviews for a scholarship opportunity
scholarship search & applications

Common Scholarship Interview Questions

Common scholarship interview questions usually will focus on the student’s strengths, weaknesses, goals, personality, and academics. Others may ask about motivation, stress management, and extracurricular activities. No matter what the scholarship is for, a scholarship interview requires preparation and practice. You’ve gotten to the Interview for your scholarship. That in and of itself is a …