All College Admissions Articles

As a parent, there are some do's and don'ts at college orientation.
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Do’s and Don’ts: Parents at College Orientation

College orientation is usually a surreal experience for both students and their parent(s). While you’re trying to situate your mind on how the next four years will play out on this campus, you’re also trying to process the ton of information tour guides are saying. As a parent, understand that your kid may be taken …
Student standing in front of a wall with papers covering it.
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College Admission Essay Brainstorm!

Greetings, college hopefuls. So far, we’ve given you advice on many of the things that we think you need to know in order to survive and thrive during the next four years. For example, what to include on your college applications, we’ve talked about how to deal with the transition and changes, we’ve broken down …
Red and white signs with a black question mark in the middle.
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Interview with College Admissions: Questions They May Ask You

When visiting a college you’re interested in, it’s a good idea to schedule an interview with a college admissions officer. While it’s not mandatory, this option is highly recommended. Don’t let this intimidate you though. We’ve compiled a list of common college interview questions that an admissions officer might ask, and answers so you know what …
A part-time job, such as being a lifeguard, is a good way to spend your summer, and one of many summer activities
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Summer Activities that Will Impress Admissions Officers!

Ah, summer. The time of late sunsets, BBQs, fireflies, and college prep. That’s right, summer is the perfect time to prepare for college and increase your odds of admission to boot. If that last sentence made you groan, never fret, because there are some great summer activities you can do (sometimes with friends!) to impress …
Here's what to do when you are waitlisted for college.
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You’ve Been Wait-Listed, Now What?

You’ve spent countless hours completing and sending in college applications. Then you played the waiting game. Some schools responded faster than others, but you finally got the envelope you’ve been waiting for. You tear into it, trying to keep your nerves in check and not completely shred the letter that’s waiting inside. After unfolding the …
top colleges in the world
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Is Your Student a HYPSter? What It Takes to Get Into an Ivy League College

What the heck is a HYPSter? It’s part acronym, part tongue-in-cheek term, meaning the kind of student who is accepted and attends a highly selective college like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, etc.–in other words, students attending the top colleges in the country. Many students aspire to these colleges, but many aren’t able to attend. What …
Ivy League admission rates
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What Are Ivy League Admission Rates?

With top-notch faculty, robust academic programs, and overall outstanding facilities, Ivy League schools have an earned enviable reputation as being among the best across the country. If you’ve set your sights on attending one of these prestigious schools, the first thing you should be aware of are the Ivy League admission rates. Do Ivy League …
Colleges are looking for prospective students with grit.
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What Colleges Look For In Students: GRIT

Some four-letter words could get you in trouble; they might earn you detention or garner a reprimand from your parents. However, there is a particular four-letter word that is actually quite appealing. Not only do colleges want you to say this word, but they also want you to demonstrate it, embrace it, and live it. …
A group of students standing together in front of a chalk board.
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8 Awesome Organizations that Help Students in Low-Income Households go to College

College degrees are more important than ever. Data on LinkedIn found that just over 70% of paid job offerings require at least an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree. While this has actually dropped since 2019 (it was nearly 80%), there’s no denying that a majority of companies want college graduates. And with college grads averaging …