How to Find Help With Your ACT / SAT Prep

Four students studying with the best sat prep courses

Flickr user prince lang

When it comes exams, everybody needs a little help sometimes. This is especially true when it comes to the ACT and SAT. Because acceptance odds and potential scholarships ride on your scores, you don’t want to “wing it” and hope for the best. You’ll want to find the best SAT prep courses, or ACT review resources.

Here are 5 of the best ways to get help with your ACT/SAT prep:

In-School Reviews

Your school may provide in-school study and review sessions for these tests, either as an actual course within the master schedule or as a class that meets after school. Check with your counselor to see what options are available to you at your school and get ready to take your scores to another level of success.

Private Tutoring

An ACT or SAT tutor may be one of the best people to get in touch with when it comes to test preparations. A one on one session can dial in your strengths and weaknesses. They’ll be familiar with the test format and can offer you the best advice as to how to approach the test and answer the questions for the best score.

Private tutoring can be expensive if you schedule one-on-one classes but you can make it more affordable by organizing tutoring sessions with a group of students.

Join a Study Group

Study groups can help in lots of situations, and not just for these two exams. Most study groups are operated by a teacher or guidance counselor, though sometimes a group of students may choose to form their own study group and bounce ideas, test questions, and best techniques for taking the test off each other. Whether you meet in the school library or at someone’s house, study groups can help boost scores, confidence, and friendship.

Enroll in Test Prep Classes

Much like in-school reviews, some districts and schools may already have a test prep course available in their schedules for juniors and seniors. Check things out online and see what might be available, or talk to your school guidance counselor, who is sure to know about where to find test prep classes in the area.

One fantastic option is Method Test Prep! They have a plethora of services dedicated to improving your ACT/SAT scores.

Online Help

The internet has a bevy of test prep and information resources, from Khan Academy to to Kaplan’s web site. Many college preparation web sites have access to this information as well. Spend some time checking out various resources and use one that is the best fit for you.

If you’re looking for free online tutoring, check out Schoolhouse, where you can find small-group tutoring sessionslive math homework help, and more. Schoolhouse is founded by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy!

Check out how your ACT/SAT scores affect your acceptance odds with College Raptor!