All Questions & Answers Articles

Like this flexible pencil, there's also such thing as test-flexible and test-required
questions & answers

What Does Test-Flexible and Test-Required Mean?

Though the names themselves might be somewhat self-explanatory, many are surprised to hear that some colleges don’t actually require incoming students to submit ACT / SAT scores. Yes, you read that correctly. With all the emphasis put on ACT / SAT prep, test day, and results, it might seem strange that some colleges don’t actually …
How can an independent college counselor help you?
questions & answers

What is an Independent College Counselor?

Maybe you’ve heard of them, and maybe you haven’t. Sometimes referred to as Independent Educational Consultants, these counselors are frequently self-employed, or otherwise, work for consulting businesses. Independent College Counselors work to help students and their families navigate the college search and application process. Who do they work with? Counselors typically work with families that …
A crossing light showing a green man walking.
questions & answers

What Exactly is College Readiness?

“College readiness” might just sound like a phrase thrown around during the college search and application process. On the surface, it seems like a generic “are you ready for college?” sort of question, but in truth it’s much more specific than that. College readiness refers to the set of skills, knowledge, and behaviors a high …
Types of degree programs.
questions & answers

Pros and Cons of Graduating High School a Year Early

Pros and Cons of Graduating Early Graduating high school early can be difficult but worth it for students who want to enter the workforce or go to college early. Pros of graduating high school early include getting a head start on college, more engaging courses, and the potential for saving money. However, students can miss …
The front of a building on a college campus with trees surrounding it.
college applications, questions & answers

What is the Coalition Application?

You’ve probably heard of the Common Application, but what about the Coalition Application? It came out a few years ago, and it may be worth your time to explore the differences. Here’s what you need to know about the Coalition Application, its pros and cons, and how it stacks up against the Common App. What …
questions & answers

What is a First-Generation College Student?

A first-generation college student is generally the first person in an immediate family to go to college. However, the definition can change depending on the college! But being classified as a first-generation college student can come with quite a few perks and it’s important you know what to expect during the application process and how …
Multiple people's hand grabbing another person's wrist to form a ring.
questions & answers

What is a College Legacy Student?

Simply put, a legacy is a student at a college who has family ties to an alumnus of that institution. Perhaps the student’s mother or father attended that university when they were younger. The family of legacy students–or “legacies”–typically have a loyalty to that school and the pride that comes along with it. What does …
College student standing on top of a rock overlooking a lake.
questions & answers

Should I Take a Gap Year Before College?

There is a point in time in many high school students’ careers when every adult is suddenly asking them what they want to do with their lives. It is no longer the slightly endearing question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Instead, it becomes “Where are you going to college? What …
A black and white open textbook with a red background, with text overlayed that says "what is academic rigor?"
questions & answers

What is Academic Rigor and Why is it So Important?

Simply put, rigor is the academic or intellectual challenge of a class. The more difficult the class, the more rigorous it is. More often than not, academic rigor does not refer to a single class, but a number of them within a student’s schedule. Rigor is more than just “how difficult a class is” however, …
A chalkboard with text that says "questions to ask at college freshman orientation" with two question marks on the side.
questions & answers

Questions to Ask at Orientation: A Checklist for Students and Parents (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Orientation covers a lot of information, and you may end up forgetting to ask some important questions during the session. So we’ve created a printable checklist of questions to ask at college freshman orientation to take with you–one for parents and one for students! Orientation speakers will likely cover many of these questions, but just …