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A superscore can be a blessing in disguise
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What is an ACT / SAT “Superscore?”

The thought of the ACT and SAT can fill many students with dread. Testing is never really fun, after all, and so much rides on the results of these two tests. But there are silver-linings and good news… If you take the test for a second (or third, or fourth) time, a superscore can be …
Should you take AP or IB classes in high school?
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Which is Better: AP or IB Classes in High School?

As you continue through high school, if your grades are strong, you might have the opportunity to enter advanced classes. Two options include International Baccalaureates (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP). But which is the better option of the two? AP vs IB – What Are They?  First, before we can dive into which is better, …
Hay bales on a field.
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What are Rolling Admissions?

While you’re applying to college, you may have come across some schools on your list that use a rolling admission process. Here’s a rundown of what you can expect when applying to one of these colleges: What is it? Rolling admissions is a policy often used for freshman, undergraduates, and law schools. Instead of a …
Who should write your letter of recommendation
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Who Should Write My Letter of Recommendation?

Most colleges require prospective students to submit at least one letter of recommendation as part of their application.  Some colleges specify that this letter should ideally be written by one of your teachers. Even colleges that ask for more than one letter will usually state that at least one should be written by a teacher. …
Two grey stampers, one says Approved, the other says Denied.
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Your Guide to Reapplying to College After a Rejection

Did you not receive an acceptance letter from your dream school?  Don’t fret! Reapplying to college after rejection may be an option. But, here are a few things to keep in mind and to do in the upcoming months before reapplying to college after rejection. Can You Reapply to a College After Being Rejected? In …
How do you increase your class rank?
questions & answers

How Can I Improve My Class Rank?

Class rank is one of the many elements of a college application. Along with GPA, ACT / SAT test scores, extracurricular activities, achievements, and others, class rank helps paint a picture of you as a student. Admissions officers want as much information as they can about a student so they can make the most informed …
What is class rank and why is it important
questions & answers

What is Class Rank? And Why is it So Important?

What is class rank? College Board defines it as: “a mathematical summary of a student’s academic record as compared with other students in her class”. In essence, class rank is a ranking of academic achievement for all the students in your school. Many—if not most—high schools have some form of a ranking system, though not …

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