How Many Colleges On Your List Should You Visit?

When it comes to college visits, there is no fixed number that works best for everyone. How many schools should you visit on your college list then? Use these guidelines to decide which colleges to prioritize and how many schools you should ultimately visit.

A college campus building with a sculpture in front of it.

The Importance of College Visits

Visiting just one college on your college list is not enough, as it does not help you compare different campuses. Campuses vary widely in terms of size and the facilities they offer. There’s also the general atmosphere or the ‘vibe’. Visiting multiple colleges allows you to make solid comparisons of different campuses and their facilities so you can make more informed decisions.

Types of Colleges to Visit

Rather than fixating on the number of colleges, focus on visiting different types of colleges on your list. Visit one large university, another smaller one, one in a large city and another in a smaller city or a rural area. This will give you a better idea of campuses in various settings feel like. You may find that a large university is not at all what you envisioned. Or, alternatively, you may find that a smaller college may be a better fit for you.

Even if you are trying to keep your college visits to the very minimum, at the very least visit your top picks that you’ve received admission offers from before you accept or reject their offer. You don’t want to regret turning down an offer to a college that may have been a great fit. However, you also don’t want to invest in a college without actually visiting it and determining whether or not it is a good fit for you.

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