Katelyn McAdam

You may not have heard of these learning websites until now.
tips tools & advice

5 Learning Websites You Haven’t Heard Of…Yet

We live in a world where we must continually learn, grow, and adapt to our surroundings. This might mean learning how to code so you can get a new job. Or, perhaps you’re a college student that needs some extra help in the required statistics course. Maybe you’re just a nerd, like me, and love …
Are all M Ed programs made the same or do they differ among each other?
online colleges

Are All M.Ed. Programs Created Equal?

Are all Master’s in Education programs the same? In short–M Ed programs are absolutely not the same. The good news is, you already have a Bachelor’s degree, so you’re a smart cookie. Just remember to take the time to look into a program before writing a check for $5,000 to $15,000. So when you’re considering …
sat prep courses

5 In-Person SAT Prep Classes

A lot of SAT test prep is done online nowadays, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a class offered in a good old-fashioned classroom setting. Typically, if the in-person setting is what you’re after, it’s going to cost you a pretty penny. Having said that, I understand if you’re the kind of person that …
Are you considering an online Masters of Education degree?
tips tools & advice

5 Ways Dressing Up for Class Can Boost Your GPA

During my undergrad years, 80% of the time I looked like I’d just rolled out of bed. Most of the remaining time I looked like a ninja, dressed in Victoria’s Secret black (I worked there part-time). Then once in a while, if I woke up early or had something important to do that day, I …
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Should you get your MEd master of education?
online colleges

5 Benefits of Getting Your Master’s of Education (M.Ed.)

If you’re a teacher you know that continuing your education is not only required, but it’s also the best way to stay up to date on new trends and standards in our schools. Of course, there are benefits to getting your MEd (Master of Education). You also know that obtaining Continuing Education Units (CEUs) not …
Does caffeine actually help you study better
tips tools & advice

Liquid Productivity: Does Caffeine Help You Study Better?

If you’re a student, chances are you’ve tried using caffeine to help you study at least once. According to a 2012 FDA report, American adults consume approximately 300 mg of caffeine per person, per day. The amount dropped considerably, to 100 mg per day, for teenagers and young adults. I wonder how much this number …
Don't be afraid to go back to school for a master's of education.
online colleges

5 Unspoken Reasons to get your Master’s of Education

If you’re a teacher, you’ve already spent at least 17 years of your life as a student. You work in a school every day, even during parts of your breaks. That’s a lot of classroom time. So why would you want to go back to school for your Master’s of Education? 1. The networking Going back …
So many things happen during your freshman year, but what's a myth and what actually happens?
student life

10 Myths About Freshman Year of College

We have a few myths to cover. Ten, in fact. Starting with how your move-in day is supposed to go and your potential relationship with your roommate. Next, is it actually fine to skip class and party all the time? Then, the dreaded freshman 15, and whether that’s seriously a thing or not. Following that, …
Does late-night cramming in your room actually work?
tips tools & advice

Does Cramming for a Test Really Work?

We’ve all done it. It’s Thursday night and you remember that you have a unit test in Physics tomorrow morning–time to cram. It doesn’t matter if you’re in high school or college. If you’re a student, chances are pretty good you’ve waited until the last minute to study for a test. But does cramming for …

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