Katelyn McAdam

Here are some ACT math test prep tips for you on your test day!

ACT Math Test Prep: Here’s What You Need to Know

It’s the spring semester of your junior year–April to be exact. Bright and early one Saturday morning you wake up, head to your testing site, and begin to mentally prepare yourself. The next three hours of your life will be spent filling in bubbles and wracking your brain for things you learned way back during …
act prep

5 Online ACT Test Prep Resources

When searching for ACT test prep tools, the number of available options can be a bit overwhelming. There are books, websites, online courses, review videos, in-person tutoring, and more. Some of these resources are free, others can be costly. After spending some time perusing the websites Google suggested, I came up with a list of …
find the perfect college
college search

Finding the Perfect College: Reality or Myth?

Growing up you are told that there is one perfect college out there that will meet all of your needs. All you have to do find the perfect college. If you use a really great college search engine, plug in all of the things you are looking for, and then visit each school, one of …