All Student Loans Articles

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How Many Americans Have Student Loan Debt?

Have you ever looked into how many Americans have student loan debt? If you’ve never checked out the numbers before, you may find the statistics below interesting. You hear a lot about student loan debt being the second highest consumer debt in the country, second only after mortgages. Although that gives you some idea of …
student loans

No-Fee, Low-Fee, And Full-Fee Lenders

Borrowing money is expensive regardless of whether you’re borrowing to buy a house or car or to pay for college. First of all, you pay interest on the amount that you borrow. In addition to the interest, some lenders also charge assorted fees to cover administrative costs and mitigate the risks of lending. These fees …
student loans

4 Reasons Lender Longevity Matters

There are several factors you need to take into consideration when looking for student loans. To start with, you’ll need to compare interest rates and fees so you can find the lowest-cost loan. You also need to look into each lender’s terms and conditions, protections, and penalties. There’s one other factor that not many people …
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What’s The Median Student Loan Debt in America?

With the cost of college going up every year, the median student loan debt in America is higher than ever. It is the second-highest consumer debt in the US. Here are some of the highlights of the latest statistics on student loan debt in America.  Snapshot of Total Student Loan Debt  Currently, the total student …
pause on student loan payments
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Can I Claim Student Loan Interest Deduction?

You may be eligible to claim a student loan interest deduction if you took out student loans to cover educational expenses. This tax break allows eligible borrowers to deduct up to $2,500 paid interest from their annual taxable income.  What Is Student Loan Interest Deduction? Student loan interest refers to the interest you’ve paid on …
Understand student loans and pay off your debt faster
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8 Tips for Dealing with Student Loan Debt

Staying on top of your loans can seem like a never-ending struggle. On the one hand, you have to keep track of multiple payment amounts and due dates. On the other hand, you have to figure out how to get the funds to repay the debt. But dealing with student loan debt doesn’t have to …
A student wearing graduation robes facing away from the camera.
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What You Should Know About Biden’s New Student Loan Plan

On January 10, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) proposed a revised pay as you earn repayment plan. This was prompted by the temporary pause on President Biden’s student loan forgiveness. The proposed plan is the Education Department’s latest attempt to make student loan repayments more affordable. If it comes through, it would reduce …
Gavel and two law books on wooden table.
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What is the Biden v Nebraska Student Loan Lawsuit?

Former college students and graduates all over the country are waiting to hear back about student loan forgiveness. While some have even received approvals for their applications, they may not see the money soon. The Biden v Nebraska student loan lawsuit has put things to a halt for the time being. But what is this …