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The Benefits to Choosing an Innovative College

You’ll find similar features at colleges and universities across the country. Most schools work off of one another for inspiration. Many also track and mimic successful trends. When you’re looking at schools, you’ll find common elements at virtually every school on your list. But what about the schools that stand out and are innovative? What …
Use social media to help your college search
college search

How to Use Social Media in Your College Search

It’s college application season. You’re bogged down by college entrance tests, essays, interviews, application forms—on top of your regular high school coursework. With all of these responsibilities, you might let other aspects of the college search fall through the cracks—like effectively using social media. Use social media to keep track of deadlines, learn about your …
Famous Olympians: Lolo Jones
college news & trends

Where 6 Famous Olympians Went to College!

With the 2016 Olympics going on, you might have been hearing that some of the younger competitors are still in school. Lily King, for example, currently swims for Indiana University. Many famous Olympians have gone through–and graduated from– collegiate sport programs. Here is a list of five American athletes that have competed after graduating college. …
Here's how to stay healthy in college.
tips tools & advice

Tips to Stay Healthy in College

Most college students are young and relatively healthy. However, the all you can eat cafeterias and large pizza specials can ruin even the fittest body. Take advantage of the easy things you can do to stay healthy in college! Let’s start with the obvious. Go to the gym One of the most important ways to …
College student working as a barista mixing coffee on the counter.
student life

Pros and Cons of Having a Job In College

There are a multitude of reasons students will take up a job in college–paying for tuition, want additional income, are eager for work experience, want to build up their resumes, etc. To many, finding a college job seems like a no brainer since tuition is expensive. Others might worry about the quality of their grades …
College fees can be a lot. These are some colleges with no application fee that you should consider
college search

Colleges with No Application Fee

Thinking about college brings many emotions. You love to fantasize about how your experience will be and where you will end up. Applying to college isn’t a walk in the park, there is the application itself, essays, and then–the fee! You may not even attend this school yet you owe them money? That seems a …
There are pros and cons of having a car on campus with you
student life

The Pros and Cons of Having a Car on Campus

There are many ways to get around on campus–taking the bus, walking, biking, even mooching a ride from a friend–but sometimes you wish you could just have your own car on campus with you. Most of the time freshmen aren’t allowed to bring cars to college with them, so when sophomore year rolls around many …
A study schedule can really help you get on top of your studying
tips tools & advice

How Do You Create a Study Schedule?

Depending on your high school rigor and schedule, you may be a bit culture-shocked when it comes to college studying. College classes are naturally more difficult than high school. That shouldn’t scare you, it should make sense. As each year progresses, you have more knowledge and are ready for more challenging courses. You spent many …