Flickr user orangefan_2011
Being a university student will be one of the most fun experiences of your life, you will be receiving an education not just on your chosen subjects but also on life in what it likely to be your first venture into the real world.
College life isn’t always easy, however — balancing studying with your social life, getting your college essays completed on time, finding out new things about yourself, and managing to stay on top of your budget is not as easy as they sound. Thankfully, however, there are lots of hacks out there which can make your university life easier and we have handpicked a few which we think could help you.
Schedule Wallpaper
A super simple way to stay on top of your classes is to take a photo of your college schedule and set it as your home and lock screen on your phone. This may not make your phone look like the coolest but it will help you to avoid missing any classes. You can also print out your schedule and pin it up above your desk.
Color Code Books
Keep all of your study materials easily organized by adding some color to them with a marker or some sticky tape over a piece of colored paper. Put the color on the spine of your books so that you can easily see it and make sure that you put a chart on your wall so that you can keep yourself reminded of what color stands for what subject.

Coffee Pot Cooking
Unlock the power of your coffee pot to not only give you your daily cup of Joe but also to cook a range of foods. You can use your coffee pot to cook pasta, noodles, spaghetti or even boil up some veg without the worry of the pan overcooking, simple and easy.
Fridge Photo
If you were lucky enough that your parents stocked your fridge up when they first left you at university then snap yourself a photo of the fridge and never have to worry about writing a shopping list again.
Study Incentives
When it comes to managing your social life and your studies, it is vital that you give yourself incentives for your study session to be able to enjoy your free time. If your pals are going out for a night on the town, then you should aim to work for it and get your studies done so that you can better enjoy it with them. Shunning social events in favor of your studies is not easy, but if you can be disciplined from the get-go then you can get into the good habit of working hard and playing hard.
Eating The Frog
Mark Twain once stated “If your job is to eat the frog, eat it in the morning,” what Twain is indicating here is that if you have work to do or an essay to complete, then don’t procrastinate, just do it. The longer you put something off, the bigger you build it up to be in your mind, the best thing you can do is to roll up your sleeve and get started.
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