5 Books to Read that Make Studying and Schoolwork Easier

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Nobody ever said high school and college are easy. Studying is difficult, as is memorizing information for a test. Fortunately, there are books and experts out there that can help make tackling school easier. Ever wanted to make studying and schoolwork simpler and become a better student? You’ll definitely want to add these five to your reading list.

How to Become a Straight A Student by Cal Newport

How to Become a Straight A Student schoolwork bookHow to Become a Straight A Student by Cal Newport is definitely one book you’ll want to take a look at. It will teach you different approaches and strategies to help you score better but spend less time on studying, with a focus on studying smarter, not harder. It’s available on Kindle and in audiobook and paperback forms. However you want to read (or listen), you can do it.

The Secrets of Top Students by Stefanie Weisman

The Secrets of Top Students schoolwork book (2)Whether you’re in high school or college, you should check out Stefanie Weisman’s book, The Secrets of Top Students: Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Acing High School and College. The book supplies you with everything you need to help you make the most of your education and teach you to do more than just memorize facts. 45 talented students—from Rhodes and Fulbright Scholars to  Spelling Bee champions—offer their tips, tricks, and advice to you. It is available on Kindle or in paperback form.

Unlimited Memory by Kevin Horsley

Unlimited Memory schoolwork bookDo you have trouble remembering everything you’re studying? Feel like you have too much on your plate? Unlimited Memory by Kevin Horsley may be for you. It’s a number one best seller in memory improvement. This book has strategies to help you learn faster while also teaching you to become more productive. Of course, having a good memory comes in handy outside of the classroom as well. Really, this is a great book for life in general.

Student’s Guide to Writing College Papers by Kate L. Turabian

Student's Guide to Writing College Papers schoolwork bookMany students reach college and find that essay writing in college is very different than in high school. Whether this is the case for you or you just want to improve your writing skills, you’ll want to check out the Student’s Guide to Writing College Papers by Kate L. Turabin. It’s available on Kindle or in hardback or paperback forms. Right now, this one its fourth edition. The book covers writing your actual paper, citing sources, and style. Even seasoned English majors can find a lot of helpful tips in this book.

On Course by Skip Downing

On Course schoolwork bookOn Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life by Skip Downing is another you’ll want to check out. In its 8th edition, the book will provide you with self assessment tools to help you identify what you need to change for academic success. It contains guided journal entries to help you with responsibility, self management, self awareness, learning, self esteem, and more.

If you’re looking for books to better yourself throughout college, these five are must reads. Each one can give you a different and helpful approach to your college education, but also help with skills needed for life after graduation. Which one will you be picking up next?

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