Myths and Truths About the ACT and SAT

Here are a few ACT and SAT myths.

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The ACT and SAT are very important parts of the college admissions process. However, that also means there are some ACT and SAT myths being spread.

The time and preparation you spend on preparing for standardized tests will affect your future. Schools take ACT and SAT test results very seriously. Colleges receive enormous numbers of applications every year. Students with high standardized test scores are taken more seriously by admissions officers. It’s also important to have letters of recommendation, strong college interviews, and good grades. Students with higher test scores are also more likely to pursue the most challenging majors.

High test scores can give a good idea of a student’s future academic performance in college. Having a good grade-point average is great, but many students across the country have excellent high school transcripts. Having strong test scores will give you an edge over other college applicants. Here are a few ACT and SAT myths to keep in mind.

Myth: Tests only predict first-year grades

Standardized tests have shown to predict a student’s grades throughout their entire college education. Students with higher scores often take more difficult courses and are really challenging themselves in college. Students with higher test scores often go on to succeed in college and have continued success in life.

College officers blatantly admit the ACT/SAT scores now carries more weight as an admission criterion compared to 15 years ago. Having good grades in high school doesn’t mean the same thing across different schools in the United States. Many high schools are much more difficult than others. High school GPAs continue to rise because of grade inflation in school districts. Standardized tests put all students on an even playing field. Admission officers find test scores to be very useful because they show colleges which students are ready for the next level of education.

Myth: Higher scores don’t matter

Many people believe that standardized tests are important, but they won’t really have an impact on your life. Some believe the skills are important, but the actual test scores only matter to a certain extent. Students with higher test scores have shown that successful test scores do often lead to having more academic success.

Not only will high ACT/SAT scores raise your acceptance odds at practically every college, but you’ll also become eligible for more scholarship opportunities!

The skills on the ACT and SAT are useful in a student’s academic and work life. Students who prepare and have success on tests often seek the most challenging education and work settings.

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Myth: With the rise of test-optional colleges, I shouldn’t bother with the ACT / SAT

Here’s one of the more common ACT and SAT myths. While it is true that more colleges are becoming test-optional, they’re still the low minority. Most colleges will still require either test and have a certain average score they’ll look for in an applicant. Even if a test-optional school is on your college list, it’s still a good idea to take the tests. Other schools on your list will likely require them, and a good test score can be enough to put you ahead of another applicant. Besides, if you don’t take the ACT / SAT, there are thousands of scholarships you won’t be eligible for.

See how your ACT / SAT score affects your acceptance odds with College Raptor’s free match tool!