Why You Should Study for the ACT and SAT This Summer

There's a reason why you should study for the SAT or ACT this summer.

Source: Flickr user University of Central Arkansas

The summer ACT test date was on June 11th and test takers have received their scores. Armed with their composites, students can use College Raptor’s college match tool to see their admission odds at matched schools and what their net price of attendance may be. If you missed the summer testing date, it’s a good idea to gear up for the September or October test dates. Studies show that studying over a longer period of time, rather than cramming, leads to a better understanding of the information. Using these tools to study a little bit each day or each week will result in better information recall rather than cramming the night before your test.

If the thought of studying for possibly the most important exam you’ll take as a high schooler scares you, relax. First, read about good studying habits and how to make your environment more conducive to learning. There are many tools out there to help study for your ACT. We have compiled a list of free resources to help you prepare and rock your test! Here are the top three reasons why you should be studying for the ACT this summer.


Summer is a perfect time to begin prepping for your ACT or SAT exam because you likely have more time on your hands. September and October will be consumed with class, homework, clubs, sports, jobs, extracurriculars, and socializing. Begin studying for your ACT or SAT in the summertime by setting aside 30 minutes every day. Then, once the busy school year begins, you already have a leg up on the material and don’t have to worry about cramming.

Open Mind

Since school is out of session, you can focus more attention on test prep. Rather than studying for your high school tests and your ACT or SAT test, you can focus on just one. This way you won’t be memorizing your advanced calculus formulas instead of the ACT essential math formulas. This devotion to the test can help you learn the material better by not being bogged down with your numerous other classes.


Maybe you are working a part-time job and have extra cash in the summer. You could use this towards hiring a tutor or paying for online ACT or SAT prep. There are many options out there and you’ll have to weigh the positives with the cost, but it may have a great return on your investment. Some sites boast improving your score by four points or money back. Additionally, many popular ACT or SAT tutors will be booked up early on in the school year so taking advantage of the summertime will be of benefit to you. It is most likely that your friends and peers have extra time during the summer as well. This is a great resource to study together and try to teach each other topics.

And with all that in mind, we wish you a happy study session! It’s never too early to begin preparing.