Flickr User: Penn State
Dear Students,
Wow! The day is here, and it probably feels surreal. The planning, applications, and search is done. You have arrived at your dorm. It’s most likely better and worse than you imagined at the same time. It may be not as nice as your room at home, yet seems so much more awesome! The place is your *own*. You have newfound freedom like you have never experienced. No one can mandate your curfew or monitor what you eat for breakfast. While you’re beyond excited about this new opportunity, you’re also a little nervous.
You’re excited to be on your own but also worry about the responsibility that comes with that. You need to do your own laundry, keep track of your schedule, and find what you’re supposed to do in life. No pressure at all, right? It’s okay. You’ll find your way through it. It will be an exciting opportunity, but don’t forget to call your parents and let them join the journey.
When your parents help move you into your dorm, you may think some of their antics are embarrassing but indulge them. If your mom wants to make your bed and decorate your room, let her. When your parents go to leave and are tearing up and want one last hug, hug them back. You’ll be happy you did. While you may feel annoyed living with them day in and day out, you will miss them when you no longer have that luxury.
Don’t forget to call home. Your parents will probably gladly rearrange their schedule to make time to talk to you. Share what your experience has been on campus. Don’t just include the good stuff, they may be some of the best sources of advice for your troubling moments. If you ever feel lost, alone, or frustrated, having someone removed from the situation who you love and trust can always make something better.
Enjoy your time. It is important that you make time to call and visit your parents, but remember this is your adventure. You have the freedom to make your own choices, so do so. Exercise your ability to think for yourself and learn about the world around you. Take a course someone advised against in high school, just because you love it. Play intramurals on a team you never had the chance to. Be open to the possibilities of new friends and new experiences.
During college, you will be surrounded by people close to your own age, more so than any other time in your life. Take advantage of this by building relationships and learning from each of them. Don’t be afraid to start this on move in day. Most students on your floor will also feel anxious and vulnerable. This will make them extremely happy you decided to approach them.
Remember to have fun on move in day. Appreciate every moment and realize this will be the last time you ever move into your freshman dorm again. Indulge your parents in their wishes, you will soon be free to do as you please.
Good luck and enjoy! College move in day is an exciting time.