Academic Fit and Lifestyle: How to Choose the Right College

In an earlier post, we discussed how MyCollegePrice can help you discover the true cost of college given your family’s financial circumstances. When figuring out how to choose the right college, it’s not just purely based on the hard financial numbers.

Lifestyle, academic aspirations and fit play a significant part in how you choose the right college. More specifically, geography, college size, academic focus, and specific college likes and dislikes should and do weigh heavily in a decision that is likely to have significant life impact over time. And of course, your high school academic performance and test scores will determine which schools are the best fit for you.

The trick is how does one effectively and efficiently bring all these factors together in a way that saves time, money and labor?

That’s where MyCollegePrice comes in. Our interface allows you to create a personal profile that takes lifestyle, academic AND financial information together and apply these to give you college that best fit your background. It’s as simple as that. Here is a look at where you do that:

enter your profile data to quickly find your net cost of college

We’ll have plenty to say about this in detail in future posts. For now, go to ( and give it a try.