7 Tips on How to Be an Exemplary Student in 2017

Here's how to be an exemplary student

Pixabay user sasint

The beginning of the school year is getting closer, for both high school and college students. Many students start the new year with the goal of becoming an exemplary student. But how do you even start that process? In this article, we list 7 tips to help you become an exemplary student!

Don’t look for a shortcut

There’s no shortcut or magic formula to becoming an exemplary student. It takes hard work and dedication. If you only study the day before, don’t pay attention in class, or give the minimum amount of effort, you won’t do as well, no matter how capable you are. Start prepping for your assignments and tests in advance. And yes, that also means when you don’t feel like studying. It’ll be worth it in the end!

Tutor other students

If you can explain a concept to other students, then you have a good understanding of that concept. If you tutor other students, it helps you review the subject and helps your fellow classmates understand the topic better.

Arrive to class 15 minutes early

Arriving at class 10 to 15 minutes early has its advantages. You can review your notes, mark what you didn’t understand from the previous class, and make sure you have everything you need. Getting to class a bit early helps you mentally prepare.

Don’t leave tasks to the last minute

Start working on your assignments as soon as you get them. Leaving your homework to the last minute won’t help your grades or your stress levels. Not to mention, you want plenty of time to work or study. Cramming isn’t the best way to remember the material, nor do you want to pull an all-nighter because you’re starting an assignment late. And this seems like an obvious suggestion, but follow the directions on the assignment! A lot of students get a poor grade because they don’t follow the instructions or rubric provided.

Meet your teachers

Each teacher is different, from their personalities to the way they teach and grade assignments. Take the time to meet your teachers and get to know them. Knowing what to expect and how to respond will prepare you for their assignments and tests. Not to mention, teachers are a great resource for when you’re struggling with a topic or assignment.

Learn to organize your time

Organizing your time is key to getting good grades. While it’s important to set aside time to study, don’t forget to have some time to relax. Having a period of the day where you don’t have to think about your assignments or work gives your body and mind a break from academic stress. You’ll feel a lot more motivated and focused the next time you study.

Participate in class

Participating in class is essential. Don’t be afraid to voice your thoughts, opinions, doubts, or questions about topics. Participating shows that you’re engaging and actively thinking about the subject at hand and that you have some level of understanding. Professors recognize that, and it tells them that you’re actually engaged.