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The higher education landscape is becoming increasingly competitive. Rise above by understanding how your awarding strategy stacks up. With InsightFA® from College Raptor, you get competitive financial aid awarding insights that drive results.

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Advanced AI

College Raptor’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) data models are used to estimate every prospective student’s net price and overall fit score at up to 20 selected competitor institutions. This gives you valuable comparative insights that drive winning strategies.

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Early aid awareness

Early awareness of competitors’ aid packages empower you to develop the most advantageous awarding strategies for your prospective student pool and stay a step ahead.

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Improve your yield

Leverage this unique competitive advantage to improve your yield, strategically optimize your awarding strategies in the context of your competition, and meet your net revenue targets.

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Get started on your custom enrollment solution today

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Do you have any questions? Contact our sales team by email at [email protected] or by phone at (319) 849-7101.
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