When you’re thinking about attending college, the price of higher education is likely on your mind. Most colleges and universities offer less expensive tuition rates for in-state students compared to out-of-state students. However, there are several affordable out-of-state colleges out there for students who want to leave their home state. Some even offer the same tuition price for in-state and out-of-state students.
Here are some tips for finding affordable out-of-state colleges, some examples, and advice for lowering the cost of college tuition.
How Can You Find Affordable Out-of-State Colleges
To help find cheaper, more affordable out-of-state colleges, there are some tools that can help.
Use College Search Tools
College search and match tools can help you find the perfect school for your goals and your budget. You can put in information about your goals and achievements as well as desired location and budget. The resources will then return with the schools that match your criteria, including affordable out-of-state colleges. College Match from College Raptor can supply you with some examples that work for your goals right now, for free.

Look Into Tuition Reciprocity Programs
Not all schools are going to offer affordable out-of-state tuition prices to all students. This is where tuition reciprocity programs come in. There are several state and regional programs that offer out-of-state students in-state tuition.
Some regional programs include:
- Midwest Student Exchange
- New England Regional Student Program
- Academic Common Market
- Regional Contract Program
- Western Undergraduate Exchange
- Western Regional Graduate Program
- Professional Student Exchange Program
Individual schools and states may also have reciprocity programs available to nearby and bordering states. For example, there is the Minnesota Wisconsin Tuition Reciprocity, which allows students to attend schools in either state while paying the in-state rate as long as the student is a resident of Minnesota or Wisconsin.
5 Affordable Out-of-State Colleges
A college that is affordable to you may not be affordable to the next student. Budgets can be different, but also location can matter with tuition reciprocity programs. However, some schools offer low rates even for students who are located out-of-state and not in a neighboring state. There are even a few that offer the same tuition prices for in-state and out-of-state students.
Keep in mind that tuition is not the only money you’ll be paying. You will have other college costs like books, room and board, transportation, fees and other education related expenses – we’ve highlighted this in the sticker price. But you should also remember that sticker price is not what you’ll likely be paying. Most students don’t pay full sticker price after financial aid programs and scholarships.
We’ve listed five examples of more affordable out-of-state colleges in the United States and their in-state, out-of-state tuition prices, and sticker prices. Some tuition prices may include fees.
- In-state tuition: $4,046 per semester
- Out-of-state tuition: $4,046 per semester
- Out-of-state sticker price: $21,570
The Mississippi University for Women offers the same tuition rates no matter where you live. The school is very upfront about their fees and tuition rates. For students interested in taking undergraduate courses part-time at MUW, it is $337.17 per credit hour. Roughly 2,300 students are currently attending the university.
- In-state tuition: $3,356
- Out-of-state tuition: $7,650
- Out-of-state sticker price: $21,078
Elizabeth City State University, located in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, offers a low out-of-state tuition cost to students. The university has around 2,150 students. In the last admissions cycle, 92% of students attending Elizabeth City State University received grant aid, 62% received institutional grants, and 65% received federal grants.
- In-state tuition: $3,571
- Out-of-state tuition: $7,490
- Out-of-state sticker price: $23,226
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke offers affordable tuition to out-of-state students. As of 2024, they currently have 7,666 students attending and the highest degree the school offers is a master’s degree. In the last admissions cycle, 82% of students received grant aid, 70% received institutional grants, and 59% received federal grants.
- In-state tuition: $3,906
- Out-of-state tuition: $7,906
- Out-of-state sticker price: $23,129
The Fayetteville State University’s website does an excellent job of breaking down the different fees, tuition costs, and related expenses for in-state and out-of-state residents. Currently, around 6,800 undergraduates and graduates are attending. Recently, 89% of students attending FSU received grant aid, 64% received institutional grants, and 74% received federal grants.
- In-state tuition: $7,920
- Out-of-state tuition: $7,920
- Out-of-state sticker price: $23,760
Peru State college is located in Peru, Nebraska, and currently has just under 1,800 students in attendance. As with the Mississippi University for Women, Peru State College offers the same cost of tuition for both residents and nonresidents, making this a very affordable option. The prices listed above are for on-campus students. Online undergraduate tuition is slightly different.
How Can You Lower the Cost of Attending College Out-of-State?
Even if your out-of-state college isn’t “cheap,” there are ways to cut down on the cost. These are just three ideas:
Complete the FAFSA
Every year, no matter what school you attend, no matter the state, you need to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The government uses this to determine federal grants, such as the Pell Grant, and to offer you federal student loans. However, colleges and universities also use the FAFSA to determine institutional grant aid. Even if you don’t think you’ll qualify for the Pell Grant, you might just qualify for a college grant.
Apply for Scholarships
Scholarships are open to anyone. While some awards may have criteria you have to meet, there are likely thousands you qualify for. Using a scholarship database makes them easy to locate, too. Simply put in your information, goals, achievements, and other details. The database will return with awards you qualify for.
Attend a School Participating in a Tuition Reciprocity Programs
As stated above, tuition reciprocity programs are great for getting lower tuition costs by attending a school in a nearby state. Some colleges even have individual programs with neighboring states. If you’re attending a school near your home state, it doesn’t hurt to ask about in-state rates.
Attending college out-of-state doesn’t mean you’re going to be paying an arm and a leg. There are plenty of affordable out-of-state colleges that can match your interests and goals.
Interested in learning more about affordable colleges? College Raptor is uniquely qualified to estimate college affordability as we are a leading provider of net price calculators to colleges across the U.S. Check out College Raptor’s free match tool to see if the in-state or out-of-state colleges on your list are affordable for you.