Top Ranked Colleges for Students Interested in International Studies and Study Abroad

Here are the best study abroad programsThe prospect of going abroad or learning about governments and cultures besides those in the USA can be a strong draw for some students. There are plenty of schools that offer great programs. Whether you want to travel the world, help teach languages, do international business, or something else entirely. If you’re interested in majoring in international studies or studying abroad, here are a few of the best study abroad programs and schools for you.

Kalamazoo College—Kalamazoo, MI

For a school that only has about 1,500 students, Kalamazoo has a lot to offer. Approximately 75% of its students study abroad at some point in their undergraduate career. The school has 42 programs spread across 24 countries. Sessions can last one, two, or three terms. Most often, students go abroad in their junior years and live with a host family or in the dorms at the chosen school.

Kalamazoo students are encouraged to dig deep into the culture of their area with Integrative Cultural Research Projects, where students choose an activity that is meaningful to them and to the community they visit. The cost of Kalamazoo’s study abroad program is roughly that of its normal tuition.

Georgetown University—Washington, D.C.

As could likely be expected, a school set in Washington, D.C., considered one of the topmost schools in international affairs. One only has to look up to Capitol Hill to see some of the effects of real-world international affairs.

Georgetown offers several degree options within the category of Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, including Culture and Politics, International Economics, Regional and Comparative Studies, and International Politics (to name a few).

University of Delaware—Newark, DE

The University of Delaware created the very first study abroad program in 1923, and 94 years later it’s still going strong. Students are able to choose from almost 100 programs, which can send them abroad for as little as a week (spring break) or as long as a semester.

The school’s Institute for Global Studies already has their Fall 2017 Study Abroad & Global Studies Fair planned, as well as year-round advising hours that students can drop by for.

Tufts University—Medford, MA

Tufts University had one of the earliest International Relations degree programs in 1977. Since then, the program has become well-renowned and is one of the most popular majors at Tufts. The program itself is rigorous, requiring 12 courses in the curriculum, meeting the foreign language requirement, and completing a capstone project. Tufts’ International Relations Program is also committed to helping students develop with successful careers post-graduation, and the school has a large network of alumni to assist.

If you can’t make your school schedule work-study abroad opportunities, there are programs you can utilize after you graduate. The Fulbright Program, for example, is a great way to mix desire to go abroad with an International Studies degree.

Interested in any of these schools? Use College Raptor’s free match tool to discover if they’re a good fit for you!

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