College-Themed New Year Resolutions for High School Students

Here are a few college-themed new year resolutions for high school students

Flickr user Alyson Hurt

A new year marks a new beginning. It’s commonly a time of resolution-making for people across the nation—and high school students are no exception. With college aspirations in mind, high schoolers can benefit from several New Year resolutions that will support their goals of getting scholarships, being accepted to their dream schools, and rounding out high school with great grades. With that in mind, here are a few resolution ideas for students:

1. Utilize Efficient Study Techniques

It’s not just about the quantity but the quality of your study time. Experiment with various study techniques and find what works best for you. Whether it’s creating mind maps, engaging in group discussions, or using educational apps, discover the methods that enhance your understanding and retention of information.

2. Reflect on Your Grades

Don’t wait until report cards to assess your progress. Schedule regular grade reflections to track your performance in each class. Identify patterns, recognize areas for improvement, and celebrate successes. This proactive approach allows you to make timely adjustments to your study routine, ensuring continuous academic growth.

3. Research Colleges Regularly

Whether you’re cultivating the first draft of your college list or refining draft number 5, it’s important to regularly look into the colleges you’re interested in. What sort of major programs do they offer? How big is their student body? What sort of financial aid packages do they offer? Any information is good information, you want to make the most well-informed decision you can when it comes to selecting a college! Even researching two or three hours a week can be a big help.

4. Apply for Financial Aid

Do it, do it, do it. Even if you don’t think you’ll get anything, do it anyway (because you’ll likely get something). Financial aid can mean the difference between a $60,000 tuition, and only paying $15,000 (or some number in between) out-of-pocket. Research a school’s financial aid program and utilize College Raptor’s College Match tool to help you get an idea as to what you’ll likely pay for nearly every college in the USA. (For FREE!)

5. Hunt Down Scholarships

Like with financial aid: do it, do it, do it! Scholarships are a great way to pay for college since—unlike student loans—scholarship gift money does not have to be paid back. You can fulfill this resolution by setting a goal for yourself like deciding to apply to at least 3 scholarships a week! Your hard work will pay off in the long run. To start, use the FREE College Raptor Scholarship Search tool.

6. Work on Your Applications and Essays

Either get started or get polishing! The collection application and essay are paramount, so make sure you pay attention to detail, review for errors, and seek feedback from teachers or counselors. Strengthening your application ensures that your academic accomplishments shine through.

7. Seek Guidance from Teachers

Your teachers are invaluable mentors. Develop a habit of seeking feedback and clarification on challenging topics. Schedule one-on-one sessions with your instructors to discuss areas of difficulty and gain insights into effective learning strategies. Building strong relationships with teachers can positively impact your understanding of course materials.

8. Utilize Academic Resources

Make the most of your school’s academic resources. Attend tutoring sessions, join study groups, and participate in workshops. These opportunities enhance your understanding of subjects, offering additional support for your academic journey.

9. Prioritize Self-Care

Academic success is not just about study hours; it’s about balance. Ensure you get enough sleep, exercise, and relaxation to keep your mind sharp. A well-rested and healthy student is better equipped to handle the academic challenges that come their way.

These resolutions for students are all actionable ideas on your path to academic success. From mastering study techniques to actively pursuing financial aid and scholarships, each resolution is a stepping stone toward achieving your college aspirations. Cheers to a year of growth and academic fulfillment!

Are you ready to supercharge your college journey? Explore scholarships, compare financial aid options, and refine your college list with ease using College Raptor’s free tools.