The list of institutions that matched your college search criteria.
The estimated yearly cost to attend this school, based on the student's academic
and financial data. Includes tuition, room and board, books, travel costs, and personal
A score from 0-100 (100 is the best match) that represents how closely your academic
data matches typical students at this institution, based on test scores, incoming
GPA, and desired majors. This score does not indicate odds of acceptance or whether
you would be happy at the college.
The full cost of attendance at this institution, before any scholarships, grants,
or aid.
The estimated total debt that will be accumulated by attending this institution
for four years.
A graphical representation of how much burden student loan debt will place on the
student upon graduation from this institution.
The estimated yearly cost to attend this school, based on the original student financial
and academic data. Includes tuition, room and board, books, travel costs, and personal
The estimated yearly cost to attend this school, based on the new data used in the
what-if analysis. Includes tuition, room and board, books, travel costs, and personal
The difference in the estimated net price based on the data used in the what-if
Click on the pin icon to save a school to your preferred college list (or click
again to remove from the favorites). Click on the X to exclude a college permanently
from your search results.
This is the percent discount of the estimated net price compared to the college's
sticker price.
Total number of full-time undergraduate students as reported by the college to the
U.S. Dept of Education. Note: Data is often about two years old.
Our estimate of the college's median SAT score on a 1600 scale. This statistic is
NOT reported by or verified by the college. Our data is derived from SAT and ACT
data reported by the college to the U.S. Dept of Education that is often about two
years old and is adjusted by our models based on results from our users.
Our estimate of the college's median ACT score on a 1 to 36 scale. This statistic is
NOT reported by or verified by the college. Our data is derived from ACT and SAT
data reported by the college to the U.S. Dept of Education that is often about two
years old and is adjusted by our models based on results from our users.
Acceptance rate for undergraduate students based on data reported by the college
to the U.S. Dept of Education. Note: Data is often about two years old.
Rank of estimated net prices, numbered starting with "1", the college (or colleges)
with the lowest estimated net cost.
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